New Delhi: Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Diwali greetings for the Indian soldiers, Border Security Force (BSF), on Saturday, said it is their honour to serve and protect the motherland.
"Sir, it is always an honour to serve and protect our motherland. Every 'Prahari' (soldier) stands ready and resolute in upholding the integrity of borders, even to the peril of their lives. Salute to the families of brave praharis. Jai Hind," BSF tweeted.
On Friday, the Prime Minister saluted the soldiers and appealed the citizens to light a 'diya' on Diwali for the soldiers guarding the nation on the borders.
"We must remember our brave soldiers who are guarding our borders even in this festive time, serving Bharat Mata and providing security. We must celebrate Diwali only after remembering them. We must also light a lamp for these brave sons and daughters of Mother India," PM Modi said.