New Delhi:As many as 40 journalists became a target of surveillance through phone tapping by an unidentified agency using Pegasus spyware. ETV Bharat spoke to one of those journalists, Vijaita Singh from 'The Hindu' newspaper who covers issues on National security. While speaking to ETV Bharat, Vijaita Singh, Journalist of leading English daily, said, "It is a bit disconcerting but I would not like to hazard a guess as to who has done this. I cover National Security beat for 'The Hindu' and whatever information I gather as part of my journalist duties, it is there in the newspaper in the following date."
The first reports on this matter got published late on Sunday, which firstly released the names of journalists who have been allegedly targeted in India by phone tapping. According to these reports, a leaked database of thousands of telephone numbers believed to have been listed by multiple government clients of an Israeli surveillance technology firm, which includes over 300 verified Indian mobile telephone numbers. Those whose phones have been tapped include ministers, opposition leaders, journalists, the legal community, government officials, rights activists and many others.
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