Mumbai:The Income Tax (I-T) Department on Thursday said that the recent raid conducted by them against the BMC contractors and a Shiv Sena leader have exposed an international hawala racket. The BMC contractors allegedly evaded income to the extent of Rs 200 crore.
The raids were conducted at more than 35 places in Mumbai belonging to certain contractors executing contracts of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), and Shiv Sena corporator and Standing Committee chairperson of BMC, Yashwant Jadhav.
The Income tax official said that particulars of about three dozen immovable properties, worth Rs 130 crore have also been detected, which includes properties acquired either in their name or their associates or 'benamidars'.
Evidence of their involvement in international hawala transactions and routing of the ill-gotten money to certain foreign jurisdictions have also been recovered.
The preliminary investigation indicates that these contractors have evaded income to the extent of Rs 200 crore on account of the above malpractice. During the search operation, undisclosed cash of Rs 2 crore and jewellery of Rs 1.5 crore were seized.