Bengaluru (Karnataka): ISRO on Thursday congratulated the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency on the successful launch of the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM). "Best wishes for another successful lunar endeavour by the global space community," the Bengaluru-headquartered national space agency also said on 'X'.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) on Thursday launched a rocket carrying an X-ray telescope that will explore the origins of the universe as well as the SLIM.
Japan launched a rocket carrying an X-ray telescope that will explore the origins of the universe as well as a small lunar lander. The launch of the HII-A rocket from Tanegashima Space Center in southwestern Japan was shown on live video by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, known as JAXA. We have a liftoff, the narrator at JAXA said as the rocket flew up in a burst of smoke and then flew over the Pacific.