New Delhi: The government on Tuesday said irregularities in the appointment of chief strategic advisor in the NSE during the tenure of a former MD&CEO were observed and the appointment was made without following due process. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has informed that an ex-MD&CEO of NSE, had sought guidance from a 'siddha purusha/yogi', Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhry said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.
During the course of investigation by Sebi, it was found that certain emails on various matters were exchanged by that MD&CEO with the yogi, he said. "Sebi has informed that irregularities were observed in the appointment of the chief strategic advisor (CSA), during the tenure of that ex-MD&CEO of NSE. This appointment was made without following due process of appointment," Chaudhry added.
Accordingly, Sebi imposed monetary penalty and other restrictions on that ex-MD&CEO and the then CSA for violation of provisions of Sebi Act, 1992 and SCRA, 1956/Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act. The matter relates to former NSE CEO Chitra Ramkrishna and Group Operating Officer Anand Subramanian, who are currently under the custody of the CBI, as the agency is probing them in the co-location scam.