Chandigarh:Senior IPS officer Gaurav Yadav on Monday was appointed the officiating DGP of Punjab after the current state police head V K Bhawra proceeded on a two-month leave from Tuesday. According to an official order, Yadav has been given the additional charge of the DGP in addition to his own duties during the leave period of Viresh Kumar Bhawra.
This order will come into force with immediate effect, it said. Yadav, a 1992-batch IPS officer, was posted as special principal secretary to Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann. When reporters asked the CM about the appointment of the officiating DGP after the swearing-in ceremony of five ministers, he said the changes keep taking place in the administration. Yadav, who is the son-in-law of former Punjab DGP P C Dogra, is a counter-intelligence expert.
He had served as the intelligence wing chief during the SAD-BJP regime in 2016. The state government can appoint the officiating DGP for a maximum of six months. Within this period, it has to send a list of IPS officers to the Union Public Service Commission which will later send back a panel of three IPS officers to the state government for choosing one out of them.