Jammu:Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Devendra Singh Rana welcomed the proposed move to allot 'Family ID' to Jammu and Kashmir people. Speaking to ETV Bharat on Monday, Devendra Singh Rana said, "Opposition parties are raising baseless points regarding the Unique identity of the proposal. The aim of the government is to provide better facilities to them through this unique 'Family ID' without the involvement of a middleman or third party. All the government schemes would be given directly to J&K people and this is a system of better governance".
Interview: BJP leader Devendra Rana welcomes unique 'family ID' proposal in J&K
BJP leader Devendra Singh Rana said that the Bharatiya Janata Party welcomes the proposed move to allot family IDs in Jammu and Kashmir as it will benefit the people.
He questioned the opposition, who criticised the proposal. He further stated the opposition is trying to mislead the people. The Jammu and Kashmir administration is planning to create an authentic database of all families in the Union Territory with each of them having a unique alpha-numeric code, the objective being an easy selection of eligible beneficiaries of various social welfare schemes. The proposed move to allot "Family ID" has been welcomed by the BJP, but slammed by other parties, which raised concerns over personal data safety.
At the recent National Conference on e-Governance in Katra in Reasi district, Jammu and Kashmir Lt Governor Manoj Sinha and Chief Minister of Haryana Manohar Lal Khattar released the 'Digital J&K Vision Document and the government plan to create an authentic, verified and reliable database of all families of the Union Territory. According to the vision document, "Each family will be provided with a unique alpha-numeric code called J&K Family ID. The data available in the family database would be used to determine eligibility through automatic selection of beneficiaries for receiving social welfare benefits."