Thiruvananthapuram: Former chief of the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and special director of the Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) Amarjit Singh Dulat has said it is time the IB had a comprehensive history written with the help of a studious historian. Dulat, a spymaster and is popular for his Kashmir links, said the major intelligence agencies in the world have a well-written history about their organisations and India requires such a written history.
"The history of IB, which has more than 100 years of legacy, should at least be laid down to educate the common man," Dulat said during a conversation on 'Spymaster As a Chronicler' with author and journalist N P Ullekh at the Mathrubhumi International Festival of Letters (MBIFL) here. Commenting that diplomacy is vital, Dulat said, "We have to talk more to enemies than our friends as it will help improve ties and change situations all of a sudden."
"Pakistan is in deep turmoil, and has started showing signs of bonhomie with India. I think, in six or eight months, both countries will improve ties between them," he said. Asserting that the revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir has not yielded any benefit for the region, he said the social milieu in Jammu and Kashmir should be evaluated through the minds of the people. He asserted that Kashmiris are inevitable part of India and they have nowhere to go.