Dholpur: An infant and his 22-yr-old uncle were killed while two other women, all residents of Agra district of Uttar Pradesh, were injured after a parked tempo they were sitting in was hit by a speeding car in Dholpur area Rajasthan on Saturday. According to officials, the victims have been identified as six-month-old Babu and his uncle Geetam, son of Jogindra, while the injured women were identified as Khushboo, wife of Dheeraj, aged 25 years, and 32-year-old Preeti wife of Neeraj, all residents of Akola town in Agra district of UP.
Infant among two UP residents killed as speeding car rams into vehicle in Rajasthan
The four were on their way back from Kailadevi where they had gone for the ritual to shave the head of the little Babu when a speeding car rammed into them, an official said. In the mishap, Babu and Geetam were killed on the spot while Khushboo and Preeti received injuries and have been shifted to Agra from local district hospital for specialized treatment, added the official.
The four were sitting inside the parked tempo on the roadside near Bari Sadar police station early in the morning on their way back from Kailadevi where they had gone for the ritual to tonsure the head of the little Babu when a speeding car rammed into them, an official said. In the mishap, Babu and Geetam were killed on the spot while Khushboo and Preeti received injuries and have been shifted to Agra from the local district hospital for better treatment, added the official. Bari Sadar police station in-charge Yogendra Singh Rajawat said that police have seized the erring car from the spot. The bodies will be handed over to family members after conducting the post-mortem, he said.
Also read: Four including three children die in Rajasthan accident