New Delhi :The Crime Branch of Delhi Police has arrested the kingpin of the infamous Ashok Rathi gang from Rajasthan's Dausa area, an officer said on Thursday. The gangster identified as Kapil alias Pradeep, a resident of Basai Enclave in Gurugram, had been hiding in various places including Sonipat (Haryana), Mehandipur, Dausa (Rajasthan) and Mathura (Uttar Pradesh), since his release from jail in 2019.
According to Ravindra Singh Yadav, the Special Commissioner of Police (Crime), specific inputs were received that Kapil, who is wanted in a murder case in Basai, was hiding at some secret location in Mehandipur, Dausa, following which a police team was formed to nab him.
"The team reached Mehandipur and after diligent ground work and technical surveillance, the team succeeded in apprehending the accused from a dharamshala. Initially, the accused tried to dodge the raiding team, but later broke down and disclosed his role in the crime," he said.