Mumbai: Industrialist Gautam Adani met former Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray here on Wednesday. "The meeting took place today," an official said but declined to elaborate on what transpired between the Adani Group chairman and the Shiv Sena president. Thackeray stepped down as Chief Minister after senior Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde led a revolt against his leadership and walked away with 39 party legislators in June.
Industrialist Gautam Adani meets ex-Maha CM Thackeray in Mumbai
Thackeray stepped down as Chief Minister after senior Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde led a revolt against his leadership and walked away with 39 party legislators in June.
Industrialist Gautam Adani meets ex-Maha CM Thackeray in Mumbai
Shinde took over as Chief Minister on June 30. The two rival Shiv Sena camps are locked in a legal battle over the party symbol and the defection of rebel legislators. PTI