New Delhi:Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Tuesday said a three-member team under the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) will conduct a fact-finding enquiry and collect the evidence within a week from today into the IndiGo barring a specially-abled child from boarding a flight incident. The Civil Aviation Minister said that the team will visit Ranchi and Hyderabad to collect appropriate evidence within one week.
"Keeping the sensitive nature of the incident in mind, we have decided to conduct a fact-finding enquiry by a 3-member team under the DGCA. They will visit Ranchi and Hyderabad (place of stay of the family), and collect appropriate evidence within one week from today," Scindia said in a tweet. Scindia had also expressed displeasure towards IndiGo and advised the authority to investigate the matter thoroughly and said there is a zero-tolerance for such discriminatory behaviour.