New Delhi:A TCS-led consortium with C-DoT has developed indigenous 4G and 5G network technologies which will be deployed in the BSNL network by August 15, a top official of the government-run telecom research firm, said on Wednesday. Speaking at the Convergence India event, Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DoT) Executive Director Rajkumar Upadhyay said that the consortium has developed the technology at a cost of around USD 30 million indigenously while global telecom giants invest billions of dollars in the technology development."I am happy to report that soon you will hear the good news that we are going to complete this job, and soon this network will be deployed in the BSNL network. It will not be 4G alone. 5G NSA (non-standalone access) will be deployed by Independence Day this year," Upadhyay said.
BSNL Chairman and Managing Director P K Purwar at an employee event had also said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants BSNL to deploy 4G services by August 15. The Standing Committee on Communications and Information Technology has recommended that the BSNL should be allocated spectrum for rolling out 5G services at par with private telecom operators in the country.BSNL has been conducting trials for 4G networks with a TCS-led consortium which includes C-DoT as a technology partner."This consortium is led by TCS which is a software power in itself. What was preventing us earlier was the hardware. Today my 4G core is totally virtualised," Upadhyay said, adding that the technology developed by the consortium runs on a standard personal computer (PC).