Bengaluru(Karnataka): Built on the scale of international airports, the ultra luxury Sir M Visvesvaraya Railway Terminal in Bengaluru became operational on Monday with Ernakulam Tri-Weekly Express chugging through the station. It was a joyous moment for the crew and passengers for being the first to use the city's third major terminal, which is situated between Banaswadi and Baiyyappanahalli in the city.
Though the formal inauguration is yet to take place, the operations started from Monday. The same train will also leave for Ernakulam on Tuesday and Thursday as well. The return train will terminate on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Further, Kochuveli Bi-Weekly Humsafar Express will depart from SMV Terminal at 7 pm on Fridays and Sundays with effect from June 10.