Ahmedabad:The Rohit Sharma-led Indian cricket team wore black armbands in the first ODI against the West Indies, to pay respect to the legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar, who died on Sunday morning in a Mumbai hospital.
Mangeshkar, 92, one of the biggest music icons of the country, died due to multiple organ failure earlier in the day, according to her sister Usha Mangeshkar and doctors treating her.
"The Indian Cricket Team is wearing black armbands today to pay their respects to Bharat Ratna Smt Lata Mangeshkar ji, who left for her heavenly abode on Sunday morning. The queen of melody, Lata didi loved cricket, always supported the game and backed Team India," the BCCI tweeted. The Indian team also observed a minute's silence as a mark of respect for the departed singer.
"TeamIndia members observe a minute silence before the start of play to pay their respects to Bharat Ratna Sushri Lata Mangeshkar ji. RIPLataJi," the cricket board stated in another tweet.