New Delhi: An Afghan player and his supporters thrashed martial arts player M Shrikant Shekhar during a martial arts game at the Siri Fort Auditorium in Delhi on Wednesday. Shrikant somehow managed to escape from there and saved his life by hiding in the PCR van. A 30-year-old Bengaluru resident martial player M Srikant Shekhar lodged a complaint with the Hauz Khas police against Afghan player Azim Badakshi. A martial arts match between India and Afghanistan was going on at the Siri Fort Auditorium at around 10.30 pm on June 24 when Srikant Shekhar was cheering Indian player Seth Rosario.
Meanwhile, supporters of Zahoor Shah (Seth Rosario's opponent) threw a paper at M Srikanth Shekhar and when he looked back, a supporter of an Afghan player and an Afghan player Azim Badakshi attacked him. M Srikanth was punched and Afghan player Badakshi knocked him down and after this, Shrikant Shekhar was roughed up. Shekhar was rescued by the security officials present there who asked him to leave as soon as possible.