Dehradun/Sitapur: Danger lurking in every corner of Ukraine due to conflict. Rishabh Kaushik, a student, who is studying Computer Science in Ukraine, refused to leave the war-torn country without his 'Male Bu' (Ukrainian name for pet dog, which means 'sweet').
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Kaushik said, "He will leave Ukraine only when the Indian government gives an NOC to his 'Male Bu'." The engineering student on Tuesday night conveyed his gratitude to ETV Bharat Bureau Chief Kiran Kant Sharma that due to ETV Bharat's efforts of featuring his story he has received NOC from the Indian government to bring 'Male Bu' and he, too, has left Ukraine and reached Hungary. Indian government officials contacted him and completed all the papers of his 'Male Bu' and NOC till he came to Mumbai. He is currently travelling on a train and will catch a flight to Mumbai on Wednesday.
Rishabh Kaushik, a resident of Dehradun, has been studying Computer Engineering in Ukraine for the last three years. A few of his family members doing business in the country, but they left Ukraine as soon as they came to know that there is a dispute between the two countries could escalate and left for Dubai.
Also Read:Lower fees make Ukraine a hotspot for Indian medical students
However, he refused to leave because of his pet dog 'Male Bu' with whom he has been living for the last one year and will not board the flight if he does not receive the NOC from the Indian government. Rishabh Kaushik lauded the biggest and most important decision of the Indian government, which has made the NOC for all the dogs free. PETA will make arrangements for the animals for its food in India. The student is elated to be able to bring his 'Male Bu' directly to Dehradun.
Meanwhile, a 21-year-old Shadab Alam son Dayan Akhtar, a medical student of Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, was stranded in Ukraine pursuing his third-year MBBS from Kyiv University. His uncle Haseeb Akhtar said that the family members are troubled by the ongoing war in Ukraine and are praying for his well being. "We are worried as his ticket to return India was on March 3, but due to unknown circumstances his ticket got cancelled, but fortunately he is in good health. We are in contact with him over the phone yet the concern about returning home still remains."
His uncle further stated that when he spoke to Shadab on Tuesday, he said that he, along with his group of 60 to 70 people, has reached Vinasia State from the capital Kyiv and is preparing to go to the Hungary border, about 800 km from here.