New Delhi: The Indian Army and Navy began their recruitment processes under the Agnipath scheme on Friday, the defense ministry stated. The Indian Air Force on June 24 started its recruitment process under the scheme and it received 2.72 lakh applications till Thursday, the ministry said. Violent protests against the scheme had rocked several states for nearly a week after it was unveiled on June 14 and opposition parties demanded its rollback.
The Ministry of Defence on Friday said on Twitter, "Registration for Agniveers in Indian Navy begins today." "Join the Indian Army. Fulfill your dream of serving the country as Agniveer. Registration open for Agnipath recruitment scheme from July 1," it said. Under the Agnipath scheme, youths from 17-and-a-half years to 21 years will be inducted into the armed forces for a four-year tenure, while 25 percent of them will be subsequently inducted for regular service.