New Delhi: India reported 1,054 fresh COVID infections in the last 24 hours with a case positivity rate of 0.25 per cent, said the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Sunday. With this, the active cases in the country stand at 11,132 which accounts for 0.03 per cent of the total cases. According to the ministry, 29 patients lost their lives due to the infection in the country during the last 24 hours taking the death toll to 5,21,685.
As many as 1,258 COVID patients recovered from the disease in the last 24 hours taking the total number of recoveries since the beginning of the pandemic to 4,25,02,454. The recovery rate in the country currently is 98.76 per cent.As many as 4,18,345 COVID samples were tested on Saturday. A total of 79.38 crore tests have been conducted in the country so far. The weekly positivity rate stands at 0.23 per cent.