New Delhi: India registered 7,350 fresh Covid-19 cases and 202 fatalities in the last 24 hrs, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said on Monday. With the fresh fatalities, the nationwide death toll climbed to 4,75,636.
The recovery of 7,973 patients in the last 24 hours has increased the cumulative tally to 3,41,30,768. Consequently, the recovery rate stands at 98.37 per cent, the highest since March 2020.
The active caseload stands at 91,456, the lowest in 561 days. Active cases account for 0.26 per cent of the country's total positive cases, which is the lowest since March 2020. Also in the same period, a total of 8,55,692 tests were conducted across the country, pushing the total number to over 65.66 crore.