New Delhi: India has no plans to pay in Rupees for the crude oil from Russia bought by its public sector companies, Minister of State, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Rameswar Teli said in Rajya Sabha on Monday. "At present, Oil Public Sector Undertakings neither have any contract nor is any such proposal under consideration from Russia or any other country for the purchase of crude oil in Indian Rupees (INR)," Teli stated in a written reply. He did not elaborate any further on the issue.
Earlier, the State-owned Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) brought two parcels or shiploads of distressed Russian oil through traders at heavy discounts. IOC bought 3 million barrels in each trade through European trader Vitol. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd separately purchased 2 million barrels of Russian crude Urals through a trader. Due to the Western sanctions on Russia in the aftermath of its military operation in Ukraine, many countries have shunned Russian oil which led to Russian crude being available in the market at deep discounts.