Puducherry (Tamil Nadu):The Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Saturday said that the country has successfully spearheaded the fight against covid-19 pandemic under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The country also developed a "robust and strong mechanism to counter the public health issues," he said.
Declaring open the Jipmer International School of Public Health, Mandaviya said the dedication of the institution to the nation marks an important event. The school will help India as well as the world in efficiently tackling various global public health issues and challenges. "It will also provide the highest level of education in public health, generate sustainable value-based solutions and strengthen the capacity for services and research in the health sector," he said.
He said the Central government had allotted Rs 66 crore for the construction of the infrastructure to house the school. "The school would meet the health care requirements of people, not only our country but would also serve the entire world. This is in tandem with the Indian philosophy of Vasudaiva Kudumbakam" (whole world is one family)," the Minister said, calling upon students and health administrators to be ambassadors of health care and provide services with compassion.