New Delhi:Union minister Jitendra Singh assured the members of the Rajya Sabha on Thursday that there is better nuclear safety in India as compared to many countries and there are enough safeguards in the Indian nuclear plants. Responding to supplementaries during the Question Hour, Singh said standard operating procedures are in place to ensure that there is no emergency situation in the country's nuclear plants.
He also told the members that earlier, the nuclear plants were located only in southern states but now, these plants are coming up in northern states as well and a new one is coming up at Haryana's Gorakhpur. Responding to the concerns of the members as regards the measures in place to ensure the safety of the nuclear plants, the minister said, "The safeguards are so much in place that there is hardly any risk of any emergency."
"There is better nuclear safety as compared to many other countries," he added. Singh said the country has the National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) in place and as far as nuclear emergency and nuclear safety are concerned, the plan functions in collaboration and in cognizance with the Department of Atomic Energy, which is the nodal department in such cases, and also with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment.
"There is an SOP in place. The emergency exercises are done once in every year at the site of the plant and then, once in two years outside the site as well as within the plant," he said, adding that an insurance pool in case of emergencies related to atomic energy is also there. The minister said even at the time of setting up a plant, all precautions are taken to ensure that there is no health hazard.
He also informed the members that on the western as well as on the eastern side of the country, there is no big population and "we are sufficiently placed at a distance where we don't have factors interfering and causing an emergency". Singh said mock preventive exercises are carried out regularly at the nuclear plants.
"We follow the principle of safety first and protection next. Never is the safety sacrificed at the alter of production.