New Delhi: Amid sanctions on Russia from the West, India on Thursday said that the country is exploring all possibilities in global energy markets during the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Addressing the weekly press briefing in the national capital, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, "India does import most of its oil requirements. So, we are always exploring all possibilities in global energy markets."
"I don't think Russia has been a major supplier", he added. Bagchi further highlighted that a number of countries in Europe are also importing energy from Russia. The statement comes after the US on Tuesday said India would not be violating US sanctions by purchasing discounted Russian oil but such a move would put the world's largest democracy on the "wrong side of history".
When asked about India considering a Russian offer to buy crude oil and other commodities at discount prices a week after the US banned all Russian energy imports, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that the Joe Biden administration's message would be for 'countries to abide by US sanction. "I don't believe this would be violating that, but also think about where you want to stand," Psaki said.