New Delhi: India on Thursday witnessed a marginal decline in Covid-19 cases with 2,827 fresh infections registered in the past 24 hours, against the previous day's 2,897, as per the Union Health Ministry's data. In the same period, 24 fatalities were recorded taking the nationwide toll to 5,24,181. Currently, the active caseload stands at 19,067, accounting for 0.04 per cent of the total positive cases.
The recovery of 3,230 patients in the last 24 hours took the cumulative tally to 4,25,70,165. Consequently, India's recovery rate stands at 98.74 per cent. Meanwhile, the Daily Positivity rate has also reported a slight decline at 0.60 per cent, while the Weekly Positivity Rate in the country currently stands at 0.72 per cent.