New Delhi: India reported 15,102 new Covid-19 cases in a span of 24 hours, which is a marginal rise over the previous day's count of 13,405, the Union health ministry said on Wednesday morning. In the last 24 hours, a total of 278 new Covid related deaths have also been reported, taking the toll to 5,12,622.
Meanwhile, the active Covid cases have reduced to 1,64,522, which constitutes 0.38 per cent of the country's total positive cases. The recovery of 31,377 patients in the last 24 hours has increased the cumulative tally to 4,21,89,877. Consequently, India's recovery rate stands at 98.42 per cent, said the Union Health Ministry.
Also in the same period, a total of 11,83,438 tests were conducted across the country. India has so far conducted over 76.24 crore cumulative tests. Meanwhile, the weekly positivity rate currently stands at 1.80 per cent while the daily positivity rate has risen to 1.28 per cent.
With the administration of over 33.84 lakh vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India's Covid inoculation coverage reached 176.19 crores as of Wednesday morning. This has been achieved through 2,00,89,198 sessions.
More than 10.98 crore balance and unutilised Covid vaccine doses are still available with the states and union territories to be administered, according to the health ministry as of Wednesday morning.