New Delhi: The Income Tax Department has detected undisclosed income of about Rs 300 crore after it raided some Kolkata-based entities engaged pharmaceuticals, and diagnostic and hospital services, the Central Board of Direct Taxes said on Wednesday.
The department also seized Rs 87 lakh cash and jewellery worth Rs 61 lakh during the searches that were launched on February 5 at 17 locations in Kolkata, Haidwar and Bhubaneswar.
The cases were developed based on available data in the departmental database, analysis of their financial statements, market intelligence and field inquiries, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) said in a statement.
It added that the income tax department has found "incriminating evidence revealing various shell entities being used for raising bogus share capital and unsecured loans, expenditure incurred in the renovation of the property in cash among others."