Mumbai:Nearly seven weeks after losing power in Maharashtra, Shiv Sena President and former Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has revamped the party in Uttar Pradesh -- its second biggest unit outside the home state, officials said here on Friday. A sparkling new 46-member Uttar Pradesh Shiv Sena (UPSS) team has been formed, incorporating a first -- a Muslim woman Nazia Khan appointed as General Secretary (GS) -- along with two other women leaders, Sonu Singh Thakur and Savita Shrivastav.
According to UPSS Chief Spokesperson and office head Vishvjeet Singh, the 46-member apex body comprises the state President Anil Singh Thakur, 10 Vice Presidents, 6 GS, 11 Secretaries, 6 State Organisers, a 3-member panel of spokespersons, and 8 state executive committee members."These appointments have been made with the approval of the Party President Thackeray with immediate effect, and now we shall plunge full-fledged into preparations for ensuing Uttar Pradesh civic polls, the 2024 Lok Sabha and 2027 UP Assembly elections," said Singh.
The Sena plans to contest all the upcoming civic elections in Uttar Pradesh putting up a maximum number of candidates with the possibility of local alliances, as decided by the central leadership, said a party leader in Mumbai.The Uttar Pradesh leaders are also likely to be deployed for the ensuing Maharashtra civic elections to woo the north Indian voters, particularly in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Aurangabad, and certain other regions where they are in significant numbers, he added.
Singh said the new body will launch a state-wide membership drive with a target of over 100,000 people who will be enrolled by December. "Thereafter, in all the 75 districts of Uttar Pradesh, we shall launch an intensive membership drive with at least 100,000 enrolments per district before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections," said the Chief Spokesperson.