New Delhi: Twitter on Saturday told the Delhi High Court that the interim Resident Grievance Officer of the microblogging site withdrew his candidature on June 21 and it is in the final stages of appointing a person for the post of Resident Grievance Officer. The company said it is in the final stages of appointing a replacement while in the meanwhile the grievances of Indian users are being addressed by the Grievance Officer. Twitter's response filed in a petition alleging non-compliance with the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, in which the Delhi High Court had issued notice.
The reply states that Twitter Inc. incorporated under US laws and operates services on micro-blogging platform Twitter in India and the process of appointing a replacement for the interim resident grievance officer who resigned on June 21. Earlier, Twitter told the Delhi High Court that it has complied with Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 and already appointed Resident Grievance Officer under Rule 4 of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Ethics Code) Rules 2021 on May 28.
A single-judge bench of Justice Rekha Palli sought a response and listed the matter for July 6. However, petitioner advocate Akash Vajpai appearing for the petitioner had argued that appointment is not as per rules. Senior Advocate Sajan Poovayya appearing for Twitter Inc had told the High Court that there was not compliance at the date of filing of the petition but now Twitter has complied with the rules and appointed Resident Grievance Officer. The Court was hearing a petition seeking direction to the Central government to pass necessary instruction to Twitter Communication India Private Limited and Twitter Inc to appoint Resident Grievance Officer under Rule 4 of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Ethics Code) Rules 2021 without any delay.
Also read: Twitter should be accountable to Indian laws, cannot be governed by US rules: RS Prasad
The petitioner has said that he has filed a petition against the non-compliance of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 by the Twitter Communication India Private Limited & Twitter Inc and seeking an appropriate Writ or instruction against Respondent Centre Govt and Twitter to perform its statutory and executive duty under Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. According to Rule 4(c) of the IT Rule, every Significant Social Media Intermediary has to appoint a Resident Grievance Officer, who shall subject to clause (b), be responsible for the functions referred to in sub-rule (2) of rule 3, stated the petition.
The petition was filed by Amit Acharya a practising Advocate in the Supreme Court of India and Delhi High Court, through lawyers Akash Vajpai and Manish Kumar. The petition said that every significant social media intermediary has a responsibility not only to appoint a Resident Grievance Officer (employee of SSMI who should be resident in India) who will act as single point authority for receiving and disposing off complaints within a fixed time but will also receive and acknowledge any order, notice and direction issued by the appropriate government/competent authority or court of competent jurisdiction.