Nilgiris (Tamil Nadu): A 38-year-old woman was arrested by the Ooty police in Tamil Nadu's Nilgiris for murdering her one-year-old child to keep her extramarital relationships alive. According to the Ooty B1 police station, "On February 14, a child died in Ooty Government Medical College Hospital. The mother informed the hospital that her baby suffered from health issues. As there were no wounds on the child's body this rose the suspicion and the police had doubts about the reason for her child's death."
In a shocking incident, woman kills her one-year-old kid
A woman killed her one-year-old child as she assumed that he had become an obstacle in enjoying her life to the fullest. The shocking truth came to the fore during the course of the investigation by the Ooty police.
Police filed a case and started investigating, which disclosed many shocking truths. The accused left her husband due to a misunderstanding. After that, she had extramarital affairs with a man and married him also. Apart from that, she had many extramarital affairs. Because of all these affairs, she was always busy on social media. That is why she felt that her one-year-old child was a hindrance to her life. The accused purposely then plotted to kill her own child. As per the postmortem report, she thrashed the child and fed too much food and alcohol. It was revealed that the child died of suffocation.