New Delhi: Union Minister Parshottam Rupala on Friday said there are immense possibilities of revenue generation and a sustainable model of production of calves through IVF technology.
Cattle breeders are using in vitro fertilisation (IVF) to maximize pregnancy rates. This is the process of harvesting oocytes from donor cows and creating embryos by fertilising the oocytes with semen. The embryo is then implanted into a recipient or surrogate cow.
During his visit to JK Trust BovaGenix in Pune, the Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying met two Sahiwal mother cows Samadhi and Gauri who have given birth to 100 and 125 calves, respectively.
Also Read:Gujarat: First IVF calf of Banni buffalo breed born in Gir Somnath
"Each calf was sold at the cost of Rs 1 lakh. Hence, I am told that these two mother cows have generated an income of approximately Rs 1 crore in a year to the JK BovaGenix," an official statement quoted the minister as saying during his visit.