Mumbai:Baba Ramdev on Monday tendered his apologies after getting mired in controversy for his statement on women's clothes made earlier on Friday during an event in Thane. 'Though I have not committed the offense that the notice issued by Maharashtra State Women's Commission mentions, I apologize if my comments hurt or insulted women,' his apology letter received by the Commission reads.
The apology was consequent to a notice issued by the Chairperson of the State Women's Commission, Rupali Chakankar, asking him to apologize for his problematic comments within two days. The Yoga Guru had in plain words stated that women look good even if they don't wear anything, while addressing a houseful event in Thane even as Amruta Fadnavis -- wife of the Maharashtra Deputy CM -- shared the dais with him.
"On November 25, a notice was sent to me by the Maharashtra State Women's Commission under a certain Act. I have not committed any offense under the Act mentioned in the notice. I was only trying to glorify women and promote women's empowerment during an hour-long speech at the said public event. My statement on women's clothing was intended to validate women's plain clothes. But I am sorry if it statement has insulted the women's class," reads his apology letter.