Mumbai: Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Sunday said if Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut is innocent, he should not be afraid of the Enforcement Directorate's (ED) action against him. Talking to reporters in Aurangabad, Shinde said, "Raut has declared that he has not done anything wrong. If that is so, why fear a probe? Let it happen. Why fear if you are innocent?"
The ED on Sunday conducted a search at Raut's residence in Mumbai in connection with a money laundering case. In a tweet after the agency began the search at his place, Raut said, "I swear by late Balasabheb Thackeray that I have nothing to do with any scam."
To a question on Shiv Sena leader Arjun Khotkar's statement that he joined the rebel Sena camp as he was compelled by circumstances, the chief minister said, "Did we invite him? Don't come to us or BJP out of fear of ED or under any pressure."