New Delhi: Asserting that India is strongly against the Russia-Ukraine conflict, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Wednesday said if New Delhi has chosen a side, it is the side of peace and for an immediate end to violence. Replying to the discussion in the Lok Sabha on the situation in Ukraine, Jaishankar said all members would agree that India's approach should be guided by its national beliefs and values, national interest and by its national strategy.
Elaborating on what India is advocating in Ukraine, Jaishankar said, "We are strongly against the conflict, we believe that no solution can be arrived at by shedding blood and at the cost of innocent lives. In this day and age, dialogue and diplomacy are the right answers to any disputes." One should bear in mind that the contemporary global order has been built on the UN Charter, on respect for international law and for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, he asserted.