New Delhi:The Indian Air Force (IAF) has received over two lakh applications under the Agnipath recruitment scheme within six days of launch of the registration process, the defence ministry said on Wednesday. The registration process that began on June 24 had seen filing of 94,281 applications by Monday and 56,960 applications by Sunday.
After the scheme was unveiled on June 14, violent protests against it rocked several states for nearly a week, and several opposition parties demanded its rollback. Defence Ministry Spokesperson A Bharat Bhushan Babu said on Twitter, "2,01,000+ aspirants have registered to become AgniveerVayu. Last date to get on board: July 5, 2022."
Earlier during the day, the IAF said on Twitter, "So far, 1,83,634 future Agniveers have applied on the registration website ...Registration closes on July 5, 2022." Under the Agnipath scheme, youths between the ages of 17-and-a-half and 21 years would be inducted for a four-year-tenure, while 25 per cent of them will be subsequently inducted for regular service.