New Delhi:Incarcerated conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar on Wednesday wrote a letter to the Director General of Prisons, seeking permission to contribute a demand draft of Rs 5.11 crore from him towards the welfare of inmates and their families who are not able to pay for their bail bonds and are lodged in jail for many years.
The letter said, "As a human being who is in the same situation of being away from loved ones and with good intentions, I humbly request you to accept the demand draft of Rs 5.11 crore towards the welfare of inmates. I would be very happy if the contribution is accepted on 25th March, as it's my birthday, and it would be the best gift for me".
The letter further wrote, "The judiciary is taking many efforts undoubtedly in this regard but helping undertrials families who are extremely below the poverty line is not an initiative that is been looked into." "Over these years, I've seen many families being shattered and even committing suicide as their loved ones are imprisoned for multiple years, hence I just want to take this small initiative and contribute this small bit from my personal earning funds," the letter added.
"Now as required if my contribution is accepted by your good office, my legal team shall provide the ITR and all the legalities of the said funds/contribution along with the proof of source, as the funds are being given through complete 100 per cent my legitimate earnings and not from any proceeds of crime," the letter stated.
The letter further said, "Me and my family, have been involved in many welfare programmes organised through my non-profit charitable trust namely Sharadha Amma Foundation and Chandrashekhar Cancer Foundation, which is feeding lakhs of poor in south India, and also provides free chemotherapy to poor patients every month."