Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala-based autorickshaw driver Anoop, who won the Kerala government's mega Onam raffle worth Rs 25 crore, said that he regrets having won the lottery. Anoop took to Facebook on Friday to make this shocking revelation through a video message in Malayalam.
Anoop, who was elated just 5 days back after being announced the winner, said he has lost his peace of mind because of the people constantly reaching out to him, asking for financial help. "I was happy when I won the lottery, but now I feel I should not have won it. I am unable to go anywhere, and have to keep changing my place of stay because of the people storming my house every day, asking for help," a helpless-looking Anoop says in the video.
Anoop further alleges in the video that though he has not been given the money yet, people do not believe him when he tells them so. "I never thought it could cause such difficulty for me," he says further adding that he has no idea about how taxation works and plans to put all the money in his bank account once he gets a hold of it.