Nashik (Maharashtra):Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut, who was seen without a mask at an event on Thursday, claimed he was following the Prime Minister's 'example'.
On the sidelines of the event at Nashik in Maharashtra, some reporters asked the Rajya Sabha member why he was not wearing a mask, a norm to be followed to curb the spread of COVID-19.
To which Raut said, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi tells people to wear mask, but he himself doesn't wear one. Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray wears mask, but (PM) Modi is the leader of the nation. I follow the Prime Minister and therefore, I do not wear a mask, and even people do not wear masks."
At the same time, the Shiv Sena's spokesperson also said everyone should take care while attending public programmes.
"Prohibitory orders are on at present, but I wish there should be no such curbs during the day as it will stop the economic growth. (NCP MP) Supriya Sule, (her husband) Sadanand Sule, (NCP legislator) Prajakt Tanpure, (Maharashtra school education minister) Varsha Gaikwad have been detected corona positive. Therefore, everyone should take care while attending public programmes," Raut said.