New Delhi: Congress leader Pawan Khera on Sunday apologized for his 'tapasya' tweet after not getting a Rajya Sabha nomination from his party last year, saying he did so in "selfishness" but has realized his mistake drawing inspiration from Rahul Gandhi who "shuns power" and continues his 'tapasya'. Addressing a gathering at the day-long 'Sankalp Satyagraha' of the Congress at the Rajghat to protest Gandhi's disqualification from Lok Sabha, Khera said, "If you try to murder democracy, Rahul Gandhi will speak, be it from inside Parliament or outside it."
"You (BJP) are afraid when Rahul Gandhi takes the name of Adani, you will shiver when he will do so on the streets," he said. Rahul Gandhi belongs to the family that showed the country the way, Khera said. Referring to his tweet on May 29 last year after his name did not figure in a list of party's Rajya Sabha nominees, Khera said, "I want to apologize to all of you, to my leadership that in selfishness, when I did not get a Rajya Sabha berth, I wrote that 'shayad meri tapasya mein kuch kami reh gayi'. Now I see Rahul Gandhi that he shuns power and still continues his tapasya, what could be bigger than that."