Hyderabad (Telangana): Hyderabad traffic police successfully transported a live organ 'Heart' from Yashoda Hospital in Malakpet to Apollo Hospital in Jubilee hills within 14 minutes through the Green Corridor on Wednesday. The medical team carrying a live organ left Yashoda Hospital at 10.27 am and reached Apollo Hospital at 10.41 am covering a distance of 13.46 km within 14 minutes through the Green Corridor. Due to huge traffic, it takes more than an hour to reach Jubilee Hills from Malakpet.
Hyderabad traffic police transports live organ within 14 minutes through Green Corridor
Hyderabad traffic police successfully transported a live organ from Yashoda Hospital to Apollo Hospital in Jubilee hills within 14 minutes covering the distance of 13.46 km on Wednesday.
Yashoda Hospital and KIMS Hospital management lauded the efforts of Hyderabad traffic police in the transportation of the live organ thus saving one's precious life. This year in 2022 within a span of five months, Hyderabad traffic police has facilitated organ transport 17 times within the stipulated time since Hyderabad traffic police care for its citizens.
Also Read:19 km in 13 minutes: Gurugram cops create 'green corridor' to help transport organs to IGI Airport