Hyderabad:The Hyderabad police on Sunday arrested two more accused in the gang-rape case of a minor girl here. With this, the total number of arrests reached four, thefifth accused is still absconding while the police are on the lookout for him, informed S Rajashekhar Reddy, Inspector of Jubilee Hills Police Station. One of the accused a minor, who was apprehended earlier on Saturday, is alleged to be a son of a leader wielding power. With this development confirmed officially, the opposition BJP and Congress stepped up their demand on Saturday for a CBI probe into the gang-rape incident. Out of the five accused already identified, an 18-year old man was arrested on June 3. A total of four persons, including two juveniles, have been taken into custody so far in the case, police said. These two CCLs (Child in Conflict with Law) would be produced before a juvenile court for their safe custody, police said in a release.
Meanwhile, Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan has gone through various media reports on the alleged gang-rape of the 17-year-old in Jubilee Hills of Hyderabad and ordered the Chief Secretary and the DGP to the summit a detailed report within two days on the incident. Moreover, the political heat over the matter has been apparent with the BJP alleging that the police acted only after Minsiter for IT and Municipal Administration KT Rama Rao ordered them. The Youth Congress activists staged a protest in front of the DGP office here over the 'delay' in police action. BJP MLA M Raghunandan Rao, at a press conference, displayed some photographs and alleged that they 'showed' an AIMIM MLA's son's 'involvement' in the case.