Chennai (Tamil Nadu):Even as the search for the stray tiger that is believed to have killed four people continues close to a fortnight in the Western Ghats, a top official of the Tamil Nadu Forest Department asserted that the feline is not a 'man eater' and that efforts are on to catch it and relocate it. He also admitted that the operation is a challenging one and might extend for months since a similar attempt made earlier to catch a leopard had taken eight months.
Having visited the forest area last week, the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Chief Wildlife Warden, Tamil Nadu, Shekhar Kumar Niraj, made it clear that the elusive tiger is not a 'man eater'. Interestingly, this assertion comes after Madras High Court's direction not to kill the animal. A string of four deaths besides the killing of scores of cattle attributed to the feline had sent shivers down the spine among the residents of Masinagudi and adjoining areas in the Nilgiris mountains. And there was a clamour for shooting it down. But, tracking and tranquilising the beast, named MDT - 23 (Mudumalai Division Tiger) is no easy task considering the difficult forest terrain of the Western Ghats.
"To be termed a man-eater, the tiger should have lived on humans as its prey. But that is not the case here. Even the killings attributed to it are not conclusive. It also preys on cattle. We are engaged in an arduous task of catching the beast by tranquilising it," Niraj told ETV Bharat after taking stock of the search operations in the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve. However, he maintained that with the available evidence, the deaths are being scrutinised to ascertain whether they were caused by the wild beast.
The first of the four deaths, of a woman, happened 11 months ago. And the latest one of a man grazing cattle occurred on October 1.
"It is yet to be established that the first two deaths were by the tiger. We need DNA analysis to verify that," he pointed out, adding that it could be termed a 'problematic tiger'.