Bareilly:A group of around 100 Sadhus reached a theatre in Bareilly on Thursday to watch The Kashmir Files movie. Led by Mahamandaleshwar Maheshanand Giri Maharaj, the sages reached a mall in Bareilly in saffron-clad clothes from Dehradun, occasionally even resonating the place with religious slogans of sages and saints.
Giri Maharaj, who was on his way to the Purnanagri Yatra, claimed that it was more of an impromptu plan while he had come to meet one of his aides in Bareilly. "We talked about the movie and how good it was, and decided to book the tickets for everyone," he said. While clarifying that though entertainment is not something that sadhus and saints usually consume, they decided to watch the movie to know more about the injustices against the Hindus.