Hubballi (Karnataka): A total of 12 cases have been registered in connection with the old Hubli riots case while 134 people have been detained and are being interrogated, said Police Commissioner Labhu Ram. Investigation into the Hubballi violence has revealed shocking details of rioters attempting to kill policemen. Police constables -- Anil Kandekar and Manjunath -- attached to Kasaba police station--stated in their complaint that they had a narrow escape after the rioters attempted to lynch them taking advantage of the situation. Last Saturday night, when the violence broke out, the violent mob went on the rampage indulging in stone pelting and damaging vehicles. The constables rushed near Diddi Hanumantha temple and tried to stop a team of 10 to 15 rioters. The miscreants not only stopped them but tried to hit them on their heads with boulders, police said.
The constables managed to escape the attack by a whisker. They escaped from the spot leaving behind their vehicles. The special teams intensifying their operations have arrested 126 persons so far. The search for Moulvi Wasim Pathan is still on. Meanwhile, the JMFC court has permitted the accused youth Abhisheik Hiremath to attend II PUC examinations beginning on April 22. He will be taken to the examination centre under inappropriate security cover and he will be provided with textbooks in the prison to study.
Read:K'taka Minister Araga Jnanendra terms Hubballi violence 'pre-planned conspiracy'