Nahan(Himachal Pradesh):The South Enforcement Zone team of the State Tax and Excise Department on Sunday imposed a fine of Rs.3 crore 17 lakh 77 on two non-woven carry bag manufacturing companies in Sirmaur and Solan for violation of the GST Act. The accused companies were allegedly paying only 5 percent GST, thereby violating the notification issued by CBIC and GST Council through the official gazette under which 18 percent GST was fixed for companies making non-woven carry bags.
As informed by South Enforcement Zone team official GD Thakur, a senior official from the state department had issued orders to collect 5 percent GST on carry bags under the advance ruling. Thus, because of the different guidelines from the Central and State Government officials, the traders manufacturing non-woven carry bags had paid only 5 percent GST, thereby creating discrepancies.