Lucknow: Bhartiya Janata Party returned to power breaking the 37-year-long record in Uttar Pradesh and forming a back-to-back government. Although the seats and vote percentage of the Samajwadi Party (SP) have increased but the condition of other parties has deteriorated including Congress.
In the 2022 elections, Congress has been reduced from 7 to 2 seats. Its vote share has boiled down to 2.33 percent from 6.25 percent in 2017 and 11.65 percent in 2012.
Senior Congress leader Zeeshan Haider, who left the Congress soon after the election, believes that Priyanka Gandhi had relied more on her servants than the leaders. The neglect of the leaders drowned Congress.
Political analyst Govind Pant Raju, who has been watching politics closely for the last 4 decades, believes that after the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Priyanka Gandhi was given the responsibility of UP. He further adds that Gandhi raised many issues of the state with great enthusiasm, but visited like a tourist and did not take any major step to strengthen the organization.