New Delhi:As Rajya Sabha adjourned sine die on Monday, the outgoing chairman M Venkaiah Naidu has said that more than 47 hours were lost due to interruptions in the 257th session of the Upper House, “which is a sad reflection on the functioning of the Parliament.”
Giving his valedictory address, Naidu said that the session was characterized by regular and continuous disruptions, which deprived members of the opportunity to discuss matters of urgent public importance and seek the accountability of the executive through questions. "Out of the 235 Starred Questions admitted, only 61 could be answered orally and Question Hour could not be taken up in 7 days. Only 25 Matters could be raised by Members with the permission of the Chair and only 60 Special Mentions could be made, during the entire Session," he said.
The House discussed the issue of rising prices of essential items in the form of a short duration discussion that lasted for more than 4 hours in which 33 Members participated in the debate. “Only 5 Government Bills were considered and passed during the Session. 27 Private Members’ Bills were also introduced and only 1 Private Member's Bill regarding 'Right to Health' could be partly discussed during the entire Session. No Private Members’ Resolutions could be taken up,” he said.
Also read:Monsoon session over, both houses adjourned sine die 4 days ahead of schedule