New Delhi: With hardly a few days left for the Assembly election in five states, Union Home Secretary Ajay Kumar Bhalla on Saturday reviewed the overall law and order and Covid19 situation in poll-bound states. Bhalla has asked officials to maintain the law & order situation and contain the Covid19 pandemic.
The meeting that was chaired by Bhalla was attended by chief secretaries of States, health secretaries besides senior officials from the home ministry and health ministry. Health secretary Rajesh Bhushan who was also present in the online meeting gave a detailed presentation over the prevailing situations of the State.
The election to all five states including Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Manipur, and Goa will be held in various phases starting from February 10 to March 7. The election commission has earlier said that Covid-safe elections should be conducted in all states.
"In the meeting, health secretary Bhushan has emphasized intensifying the vaccination process. Special emphasis has been given to vaccinating all the adolescent population," said a senior government official.