New Delhi: Amid tensions between Assam and Mizoram over the recent border clash, Mizoram Governor K Hari Babu met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday and said the Centre is trying to find a solution to the issue. Meanwhile, BJP MPs from Assam, including Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal, are also meeting the prime minister in the afternoon. Babu is scheduled to meet Home Minister Amit Shah later in the afternoon.
Talking to reporters in Parliament after meeting the Prime Minister, Babu said the incident was "very unfortunate". "The Home Minister is trying to defuse the tension and he is trying to find the solution. Both chief ministers (of Assam and Mizoram) have committed that peace will be restored," he said.
Read:|PM Modi meets Assam MPs over Assam-Mizoram border dispute
At least six Assam Police personnel and one civilian were killed and more than 50 people injured, including the police chief of the district of Cachar, in a fire-fight between the police of the two states on a disputed stretch of their boundary, near Dholai in Cachar district on July 25.