New Delhi: Nearly one-and-a-half months after taking over the probe of a case related to anti-national activities by a member of the fundamentalist Hizb-Ut-Tahrir in Tamil Nadu, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) filed a chargesheet against him for promoting establishment of the Islamic State Caliphate.
The chargesheet against 31-year-old Mohammad Iqbal N alias Senthil Kumar, a resident of Kazimar Street in Madurai, was filed in a special NIA Court in Chennai on Friday, a spokesman of the anti-terror probe agency said.
He said the chargesheet against Iqbal was filed under sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
The spokesman said the case was originally registered at Thideernagar Police Station in Madurai against the accused for allegedly uploading denigrating posts on Facebook and it was subsequently shifted to the NIA which re-registered the case on April 15 for a thorough investigation.
'The investigation has revealed that the posts on the Facebook page 'Thoonga Vizhigal Rendu is in Kazimar Street' were uploaded by the accused to incite communal disharmony amongst different religious groups in a manner prejudicial to the maintenance of public order,' the spokesman said.